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How does printed product help an agency in the digital age?

Wednesday 3rd April 2019

Print is a favourable comparison Vs Digital Smartphones, tablets, and other connected devices allow us to access almost any information wherever we are in the world. While mobile devices and apps are the default source for many people to locate products and services, there are still advantages to more traditional marketing approaches. A survey conducted for FedEx last year told us that "4 out of 5 small business owners say print materials help them stand out". People like the simplicity of printed material, without the 'distractions and clickbait associated with digital media. A Temple University study conducted for the U.S. Post Office found significant differences in the way our brains process digital and printed messages. Where digital advertising was…

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Know your call to action

Tuesday 28th November 2017

Know Your Leaflet Call to Action for Improved Success Rates If you're reading this, it's already likely that you recognise the benefits direct mail could have on your business. Along with that, you're probably also weighing up the pros and cons of hiring a leaflet distributor to do the legwork for you. Elsewhere on this site, we highlight the benefits of hiring us as a distributor and how we ensure that we fulfil your requirements to the letter, but let's step away from the distribution progress for a moment and go right back to the leaflet itself. There are several fundamentals that you must get right to make a leaflet successful. One, of course, is the design. Without a…

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